Beer Hero /be-ur hee-row/ n.
1. Local craft brewery lubricating a thirsty population in dire need of a cold one.
2. Lover of craft beer, saving Chicago with the brave act of drinking local.

What makes a beer hero?
Chicago is a beer town. In recent years we’ve been lucky to become home to so many amazing local breweries that help shape the fabric of the city itself.
At the epicenter of this movement is Malt Row, a strip of Ravenswood (and parts nearby) with a community of brewers who care about the liquid as much as they care about their customers, employees, and fellow brewers.
Like most of us, these brewers are feeling these times pretty hard. As they fight to stay afloat, they're finding safe and creative ways to ensure you get that cold one at the end of a long day.
The best way to make sure that all of these breweries can stick around is to support them with your dollars.
They are our beer heroes, now you can be theirs.

We can be (beer) heroes
Want to support Malt Row breweries, drink delicious beer, and earn a free t-shirt or
face mask all at the same time?
Follow the steps below.
Purchase beer at three or more of the breweries listed below between June 21 and August 16. Save your receipt!
Click HERE to complete the entry form.
Sit back, drink your beer, wait for your t-shirt or face mask to arrive- courtesy of our friends at Luckyprints.

The Breweries

The Beer Hero Origin Story
This project came to be like a lot of things in the COVID-19 days. Big Teeth is a creative production studio with a home in Ravenswood in Chicago, and we wanted to find ways to still be creating content but at the same time, be of service. As long time patrons, and often collaborators, with many Malt Row breweries, the idea came about to help our neighbors stay afloat by helping spread awareness and entice people to buy from local breweries.
First, we created the idea of the Beer Hero and then designed a logo to bring it to life. The entire project was enacted remotely, relying on webcams and smartphones to conduct interviews with brewers and staff. Some sourced footage from the breweries and motion graphics helped shape the story, along with an at-home shoot featuring Malt Row merchandise.
With a killer design and drive to get more brewery traffic, we added the
t-shirt component to reward those that are able to support the breweries. This came to life with the help of another awesome small local business called Luckyprints who agreed to provide t-shirts to those who met the criteria of our project; i.e. people buying lots of beer.
The campaign was made possible with the help of The Greater Ravenswood Chamber of Commerce who has been a fierce advocate of the neighborhood and the businesses within. Thanks to their cooperation, commitment and connections, we were more enabled to do our part.
Big Teeth is proud to showcase the continued efforts of our Ravenswood community and to highlight local heroes who continue to operate small businesses, support employees, and keep Chicago running. Because now more than ever, a beer from a neighbor goes a long way.